Rain (2015) was created by first obtaining an underwater recording of rain which fell at sea and produced, beneath the waves, a sound field generated by unstably oscillating bubbles formed from the impacts of raindrops on the surface above, bursting and emitting nearly-pure-frequency tones, each tone proportional in frequency to the size of its raindrop -- the collection of tones in this way reflecting the distribution of differently sized raindrops in the rain, and so something of the rain's structure; the sound recorded using an array of hydrophones; then decomposed, using a Short-Time Fourier Transform, into a number of time-varying oscillator tracks; resynthesized from the modeled sound, incorporating only the most prominant, time-varying peaks; transcribed, automatically, into equal temperament; and finally pruned, by hand, the composer always aiming to preserve the original, evident and implied musical structure of the rain, so as to make it playable by people, for string quartet and flute.